Holy Fire Master Classes
Holy Fire III Master Teacher Class - 3 days + case studies and Student Essay requirement
cost £595 (includes follow up session to discuss case studies/intentions/teaching queries)
cost £550 (for those not wishing to teach and take on case study/follow up requirements)
You will be certified as a Usui / Holy Fire III Reiki Master Teacher upon completion of this class and follow up requirements, with the ability to attune/place and ignite others to Reiki.
These Master Classes are for those that have already completed their Usui/Holy Fire Advanced Reiki Training Day.
The International Centre for Reiki Training Holy Fire III Master class combines both Advanced Reiki Training and the complete Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master training into one 3 day class. At the Devon School of Reiki, we feel that it is beneficial to separate the ART teaching in order to have sufficient time to process the Usui Reiki Master energies. Our Holy Fire Master training is held over 3 days. With the requirement for those wishing to teach to attend a follow up meeting after completion of case studies & essay, offering students time to process their ignitions/healing and the opportunity to regroup, reconcile, question, practice, and focus on teaching skills. To qualify to take these classes a student must have taken Advanced Reiki Training (ART) at least 3 months prior to the class.
It is recommended that at least one year's clinical practice at Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master level is achieved before moving on to Teaching Reiki. Full support from the School will be given throughout that time (and during any case studies) but it is the student's responsibility to ensure that any further specific training in a teaching qualification or equivalent is undertaken, if appropriate (as guided by the UK Reiki Federation).
In the process of learning the healing techniques and placements, and taking part in the guided meditations, each student will receive many healing experiences.
The cours includes:
- The complete Holy Fire Master ignitions - 4 in total
- The Holy Fire symbol
- Practice time
- Holy Fire Meditation
- Description of the Twelve Heavens
- Soul & Spirit enquiry
- Healing Spirit Attachments
- Brothers & the Sisters of the Light
- Authentic Self, Culturally created Self, Dormant Self
- The Healing Experience that can be given to anyone and directs the powerful placement energies to offer deep healing.
- Empowered in the River of Life Experience
- Instruction on how to give Reiki attunements / placements for Reiki I & II, Reiki ART and the ignitions for Reiki Master
- Full description of the Usui/Holy Fire system of placements and ignitions as used by the International Reiki Center and the Usui system of attunements explained
- The values and spiritual orientation of a true Reiki Master
- Case Study & Essay requirements explained
- An ICRT (International Center of Reiki Training) class manual
This is a recognised ICRT (International Centre of Reiki Training) Usui/Holy Fire III Master Class with instruction given on the Usui/Holy Fire system of placements and ignitions, including teaching online. Other variations are also outlined in the ICRT class manual.
As always, we also offer full post-course support to all our students.
Post class independent study is a necessary part of any Devon School of Reiki course and is always encouraged for the Continual Professional Development of the individual.