Advanced Reiki Training
Usui/Holy Fire Advanced Reiki Training Day - Master Practitioner Level
Duration - 1 day
Cost - £195
This class enables Students to become an Usui / Holy Fire Reiki Master Practitioner and receive the Usui Master symbol and fully process the Master Usui Reiki energies and be introduced to Holy Fire energies before taking the decision to move on to their Holy Fire Master Class teachings & ignitions. This enables students to receive the Usui Master symbol and attunement/placement to enhance their healing abilities for themselves. For Practitioners, there are further tools to learn for their clinic as well as also being certificated as a Master Practitioner.
The day includes:
Advanced Reiki Training
- The Usui Master attunement (held as a placement in the Holy Fire System) which increases the strength of your Reiki energy.
- The Usui Master symbol which enhances the vibration of the Reiki II symbols and can be used for healing.
- Practice using the Usui Master symbol.
- Reiki moving meditation that strengthens the mind and expands consciousness.
- The use of crystals and stones with Reiki.
- How to make a Reiki grid that will continue to send Reiki to yourself and others after it is charged.
- Reiki aura clearing that allows you to remove negative psychic energy from yourself and others and send it to the light.
- A Holy Fire experience.
- An ART Manual including further meditation practices.